Tag: Scandies Rose

Jan. 10, 2024

Report of the Investigation into the Circumstances Surrounding the Sinking of the Commercial Fishing Vessel Scandies Rose

The Coast Guard’s Office of Investigations and Casualty Analysis (CG-INV) recently posted a Report of Investigation (ROI) to Marine Casualty Reports (uscg.mil) regarding the sinking and loss of the commercial fishing vessel Scandies Rose south of Sutwik Island, AK resulting in the loss of five lives Dec. 31, 2019. This investigation was a formal Marine Board of Investigation (MBI) convened by the Commandant of the Coast Guard. 

March 2, 2023

Marine Safety Alert: Ensuring proper configuration of digital selective calling (DSC)-equipped radios

The Coast Guard Office of Investigations and Analysis has released Marine Safety Alert 03-23 to remind marine radio users of the importance and value of properly configuring their Digital Selective Calling (DSC)-equipped Very High Frequency (VHF) radios to enable proper function during an emergency situation.

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