
April 9, 2024

Coast Guard extends comment period by 30 days for the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Cybersecurity in the Marine Transportation System

The Coast Guard is extending the comment period for the recently published Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the Federal Register focused on establishing minimum cybersecurity requirements, for an additional 30 days through May 22, 2024.

Feb. 22, 2024

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Cybersecurity in the Marine Transportation System

The Coast Guard is proposing to update their security regulations to protect the marine transportation system from cyber threats.

Feb. 17, 2023

The Coast Guard is proud to announce the opening of the solicitation period for nominations of the Rear Admiral Richard E. Bennis Award for Excellence in Maritime Security.

The Coast Guard is proud to announce the opening of the solicitation period for nominations of the Rear Admiral Richard E. Bennis Award for Excellence in Maritime Security.

Jan. 24, 2023

Coast Guard releases first update to Facility Inspector Job Aid

The Coast Guard announces the release of Facility Inspector Cyber Job Aid revision 2, in order to provide the service’s marine safety personnel, as well as regulated maritime facilities, with additional, updated guidance as they address documented cyber vulnerabilities at Maritime Transportation System Act (MTSA) Regulated Facilities. This publication provides the Coast Guard workforce with a renewed perspective and tools needed to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Jan. 23, 2023

Coast Guard Releases New Maritime Cybersecurity Assessment & Annex Guide

The Coast Guard is proud to release the Maritime Cybersecurity Assessment & Annex Guide (MCAAG), which will help Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA)-regulated facilities and other Marine Transportation System (MTS) stakeholders address cyber risks. This voluntary guide serves as a resource for baseline cybersecurity assessments and plan development, particularly the Facility Security Assessments (FSA) and Facility Security Plans (FSP) required by MTSA. 

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This blog is not a replacement or substitute for the formal posting of regulations and updates or existing processes for receiving formal feedback of the same. Links provided on this blog will direct the reader to official publications, such as the Federal Register, Homeport and the Code of Federal Regulations. These publications remain the official source for regulatory information published by the Coast Guard.