Tag: CVC

March 26, 2024

Release of MSIB 03-24: Amendment to MARPOL Annex V/10: Update to Garbage Record Book Requirements

The Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance released Marine Safety Information Bulletin 03-24 Amendment to MARPOL Annex V/10: Update to Garbage Record Book Requirements, which serves to notify the maritime industry of the revised applicability criteria to maintain a garbage record book.

Dec. 28, 2023

Federal Register Notice: User Fees for Inspected Towing Vessels

The Coast Guard announced in the Federal Register that we are updating the user fees for seagoing towing vessels that are 300 gross tons or more and revising user fees for other inspected towing vessels.

Nov. 21, 2023

Federal Register Notice: 2022 Liquid Chemical Categorization Updates

The Coast Guard announced in the Federal Register that it is aligning liquid chemical categorization tables in its tank vessels and bulk dangerous cargo regulations with the 2020 Edition of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk and the International Maritime Organization’s 2019 Marine Environment Protection Committee’s Circular 25.

Oct. 17, 2023

Vessel Cyber Risk Management Work Instruction Update

The office of Commercial Vessel Compliance (CVC) has updated Cyber Risk Management Work Instruction (CVC-WI-027). The latest version is available for review internally on the CVC Mission Management System (MMS) webpage and is also publicly available on CVC’s public MMS webpage.

July 12, 2023

Publication of New Work Instruction: U.S. Flagged Vessels Inspected Under Multiple Subchapter (“Multi-Service”)

The Coast Guard Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance (CVC) announced the publication of CG CVC-WI-032(1), U.S. Flagged Vessels Inspected Under Multiple Subchapter (“Multi-Service”).

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This blog is not a replacement or substitute for the formal posting of regulations and updates or existing processes for receiving formal feedback of the same. Links provided on this blog will direct the reader to official publications, such as the Federal Register, Homeport and the Code of Federal Regulations. These publications remain the official source for regulatory information published by the Coast Guard.