Feb. 16, 2023

Marine Safety Alert: Engine room exhaust hazards on fishing vessels

This Safety Alert addresses the importance of installing noncombustible materials in machinery space boundaries with dry exhaust systems.

Feb. 16, 2023

Final Rule: Navigation and Navigable Waters, and Shipping; Technical, Organizational, and Conforming Amendment

This final rule makes non-substantive technical, organizational, and conforming amendments to existing Coast Guard regulations. This rule is a continuation of our practice of periodically issuing rules to keep our regulations up-to-date and accurate. This rule will have no substantive effect on the regulated public.

Feb. 13, 2023

Mariners’ have a role in reducing the risk of lethal coral disease spread

In response to this ongoing environmental threat and the potential for ship-borne spread, the Coast Guard urges vessel owners and operators to familiarize themselves with existing ballast water requirements [USCG: 33 CFR Part 151 and 46 CFR Part 162.060; EPA: 2013 Vessel General Permit (VGP), as codified by the Vessel Incidental Discharge Act)] and ballast water management recommendations in MSIB 07-19. We also encourage vessel owners and operators to familiarize themselves with biofouling management and cleaning regulations and recommended practices (e.g., 33 CFR Part 151.2050;  EPA 2013 VGP Sec. 2.2.23).

Feb. 13, 2023

IMO Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping develops amendments to the STCW Code to combat bullying and harassment, including sexual assault and sexual harassment

Bullying and harassment, including sexual assault and sexual harassment (SASH), in the maritime environment have known detrimental effects on seafarers including depression, poor performance, unhealthy coping mechanisms and isolation. Moreover, seafarers who experience or witness bullying and harassment, including SASH, are more likely to make errors at work and provide compromised levels of service.

Feb. 10, 2023

Coast Guard Investigative Service remains ready to investigate all allegations of sexual misconduct in the maritime domain

The U.S. Coast Guard motto is Semper Paratus, meaning “Always Ready.”  As such, the Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) remains ready to respond to and investigate all allegations of sexual misconduct in the maritime domain. 

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