Editor’s note: News media interested in attending the ceremony are requested to RSVP by emailing a list of member’s names to d5publicaffairs@uscg.mil by noon, Tuesday. Credentialed media are asked to bring a valid driver’s license and proof of insurance to access the base. It is recommended to arrive at the gate no later than 10:30 a.m., Wednesday, to attend the event.
WHO: Coast Guard aids to navigation members
WHAT: Multiple Coast Guard buoy tenders are scheduled to participate in the “Buoy Tender Olympics” as part of the 2024 Buoy Tender Round-up in Portsmouth, Virginia.
WHEN: Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
WHERE: Coast Guard Base Portsmouth, 4000 Coast Guard Blvd, Portsmouth, VA
PORTSMOUTH, Va. – The media is invited to attend the Fifth Coast Guard District’s “Buoy Tender Olympics” on Wednesday.
The Buoy Tender Olympics is part of the Buoy Tender Round-up (BTR), a week-long event that offers participants an opportunity to receive specialized training, engage in discussions to enhance operations, test their seamanship skills and build camaraderie between crews.
The Olympic event includes a chain pull, spin and hook, tug-o-war, survival-suit swim, and heat-and-beat.
Coast Guard spokespersons will be available for interviews.