NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. — The U.S. Coast Guard released the schedule and witness list for the Marine Board of Investigation hearing into the loss of the Titan submersible Friday.
The full witness list and schedule of events can be found at: Titan Submersible - Coast Guard Marine Board of Investigation (
The hearing begins Monday, Sept. 16, 2024, at the Charleston County Council Building and is scheduled to last two weeks. It aims to uncover the facts surrounding the incident and develop recommendations to prevent similar tragedies in the future.
The hearing will be livestreamed on the Coast Guard’s official YouTube channel. Media and the public can also follow live updates via @MaritimeCommons on X, using the hashtag #TitanMBI.
To ensure fair media coverage due to limited space, a media pool will be established allowing one camera operator, one journalist, one still photographer and one sound technician inside the hearing chamber each day. Media outlets selected for the pool must share the live feed, imagery and sound with all other media representatives. The pool may rotate out twice per day, and a media pool coordinator will be selected to manage the schedule. Ground rules for the media can be accessed at: Ground Rules for Media Coverage- Titan Marine Board of Investigation Hearing.pdf (
All media representatives wishing to attend the hearing must be credentialed and RSVP to Chief Warrant Officer Melissa Leake no later than Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2024, at
A separate room will be available for media representatives not selected for the pool to view the hearing via live feed. Reporters may also provide live updates from outside the Charleston County Council Chamber. Media representatives are encouraged to arrive early to secure seating and set up equipment.
The Marine Board of Investigation, the highest level of marine casualty investigation conducted by the U.S. Coast Guard, is tasked with examining the causes of the marine casualty and making recommendations to improve maritime safety.
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