WASHINGTON — The commandant of the United States Coast Guard will deliver the annual State of the Coast Guard Address in Washington, D.C., Wednesday.
WHO: Commandant of the United States Coast Guard Adm. Linda L. Fagan
WHEN: 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 20, 2024
WHERE: Cannon Caucus Room, Cannon House Office Building, 27 Independence Ave SE, Washington, D.C., 20003
WHAT: Media must RSVP at MediaRelations@uscg.mil no later than Tuesday, March 19 at 12:00 p.m.
Fagan will provide an update on the current state and vision for the Service during a livestreamed event on Capitol Hill in front of senior leaders, partner agencies and government officials.
She will focus on the continued demand for Coast Guard operations around the world, and how the service is addressing personnel gaps and maintenance challenges to ensure workforce and mission readiness.
Fagan will highlight the Coast Guard’s role in protecting the Marine Transportation System from evolving threats, the Service’s use of new technology and systems, and the importance of new Coast Guard assets and facilities to support national security.
She will also discuss improvements made to recruiting, talent management and the importance of strengthening Service culture.
This event will be livestreamed at:
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/event/4172161
YouTube: https://youtube.com/live/eUkA7ZgoYys
The event will also be posted on the Coast Guard website here: https://www.uscg.mil/alwaysready/.
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