SEATTLE — Crews from Coast Guard Sector Puget Sound, Washington Department of Ecology, and the
Islands’ Oil Spill Association (IOSA) responded to the sinking of the 80-foot vessel El Capitan at West
Sound Marina on Orcas Island, Saturday, Nov. 18.
Watchstanders at Sector Puget Sound command center received notification Nov. 18 from the West
Sound Marina that the El Capitan was rapidly sinking. A sheen was observed emitting from the vessel
when it sank next to the pier in approximately 30-feet of water.
Coast Guard Pollution Responders notified IOSA, who responded to the scene and worked with the
marina to deploy boom and absorbents. Several trailers of additional boom were brought on site by
IOSA as a precaution. The Washington Department of Ecology also responded to assist IOSA. IOSA
monitored the vessel over the weekend.
Additionally, the USCG opened the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund and hired Global Diving and Salvage to
assess the vessel for any additional threats of pollution. Divers assessed the vessel Sunday but did not
report any signs of oil discharge.
Crews also performed a shoreline assessment and determined there was no reported impact to the
shoreline or wildlife in the area. There were no Southern Resident Killer Whale sightings in the area at
the time of the incident.
The area around the vessel remains boomed as a precaution. IOSA has been monitoring the vessel and
marina for additional pollution threats since the vessel sank. IOSA reported sheening in the marina
outside the boom on Nov. 26. The USCG responded to investigate and hired a contractor to remove
and replace any soiled boom.
The exact source of the sheening on Nov. 26 remains under investigation by the USCG. A joint effort is
currently underway with all agencies, the Washington Department of Natural Resources and West
Sound Marina, to determine future disposition of the vessel.
Previously, in November 2020, a joint effort between the Coast Guard, Washington Department of
Ecology, Washington Department of Natural Resources, and San Juan County determined the fuel and
oil onboard the El Capitan posed a significant threat to the environment due to its derelict condition.
Contractors removed 590 gallons of various fuels and oils.