Aug. 21, 2023
Sector Lake Michigan
Contact: Lt. Anthony Gallegos
(414) 747-7153
UPDATE: Coast Guard estimates approximately 1,500 gallons of diesel spilled
MILWAUKEE — The Coast Guard, in coordination with the responsible party, currently estimates approximately 1,500 gallons of diesel fuel was released from the motor vessel Manitowoc into Lake Michigan on Aug. 2, 2023.
The investigation into the cause of the diesel spill is ongoing.
Prior to departing the Port of Manistee, the motor vessel Manitowoc conducted and recorded initial tank soundings. After conducting temporary repairs, the crew again took soundings. A comparison of these two measurements revealed approximately 1,500 gallons of diesel fuel was released into Lake Michigan. The maximum potential was initially determined to be approximately 45,000 gallons.
The Coast Guard, state, local, and tribal representatives have reported no impacts to the shoreline. There are no known impacts to marine wildlife and no reports of diesel in the area in which the discharge occurred.
Diesel fuel spreads across the top of the water and weathers from sun, wind, and wave action. All diesel fuel is believed to have dissipated and evaporated without sinking into the water column.
Requests for additional information may be directed to Sector Lake Michigan’s Public Affairs Officer at (414) 405-6436.